Ayo menulis, sobat - putri rimba di tengah kota
News Update

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Ayo menulis, sobat

assalamu'alaikum, all my visiters
i just want to invite you to write about anything you like. because by writing we can explore our knowledge.
if you are a productive writer, i'm sure that you will be rich.
you can send your writing to mass media..
and all person will read it. you will be famous person becouse of that.
so, no reason to be lazy in writing.
cammon..! now, i try to foccus and serious in writing. minimally, in this blog. sorry, cause of my activity in campus, so it's hard to me to update my blog.
but, there is a good news : " my article got the second winner of article competition "
see you as a best seller writer/author. @_@

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